Thursday, October 15, 2009

Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development

Our world is constantly changing and we must not be left behind.
For us to keep up with the fast pace of the global world, we should embrace SCIENCE CULTURE. Do you know why? Because science have helped us a lot through the past years. From the discovery of cells to the discovery of the human genome, science is continuously helping us to be a better nation.
Now in this global crisis where do we run to but science. Some may disagree with this but you see science is a double-edged blade. It can give us destruction or restoration. It just depends on how we are going to use it. Well, if we abuse the benefits we gain from science then surely it will cause destruction to the world and to us. Just like what we’re doing right now, we are abusing science that’s why we are causing so much damage to mother earth. But as what I said a while ago it’s a double-edged blade. If science is used properly, may be there’s a slight chance we can save our slowly deteriorating world. We just need the knowledge and skill to do this.
So what do you say? The choice is up to us. It’s either we embrace the diverse science culture for our development or we stick to our wrong doings and destroy our one and only mother earth.

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