Monday, July 20, 2009

"Wastong Nutrisyon Kailangan, Lifestyle Diseases Iwasan"

In our reilgion Roman Catholic we see life as a gift from God. It's a blessing He had given to us. And the only way we can repay Him is to live our life peacefully and meaningfully. It is also our duty and responsibility to take care of this life. How can we take care of ourselves?
One of the many things we can do is to be healthy. How can we be healthy? We can be healthy by just eating the right food and the right amount of food. How do you know the right amount of food? Well there's this magnificent food pyramid which guide us on how much we should eat foods. It shows the right proportions for every servings. We should all follow this. Remember that everything much and less is bad there should be equilibrium or balance. Next is eating the right food. the right food are the nutritious foods around us. They're very abundant but not all can have it. Why? Just because of their socio-economic status. In the lower stratum people can not afford to buy this nutritious foods, they don't really have that much choice but to buy what they can afford. Some hardly eat thrice a day. So the result-malnourished children. But for me whatever socio-economic status you have, it should not be a hindrance to a healthy body because food is our #1 commodity now. If you don't have the money, find a way to have money. As what they always say"If ther's a will, There's a way."
Is it important to us to be healthy? Yes it is. Being healthy not only physically but also emotionally, mentally and socially is significant. It keeps you away from lifestyle diseases. These diseases are caused by one's unhealthy lifestyle. If possible we should change our lifestyle like for example exercising everyday, eating nutritious foods, don't smoke and don't drink much alcoholic beverages.
In taking good care of our health we don't need to be fancy, we don't need to be rich. Because in our little ways we can already make a change and be healthy people.
So these are the things we can do for God our creator!


  1. Hello. You have a meaningful post! That could encourage people to take good care of themselves, most especially their health..

    Always be a good girl.. :) TCCIC

  2. ...hello!!!!
    ,,,i'm tired reading your posts....
    ,,,but i enjoy,,,,,
    ,,,hope you'll make more interesting essays
    ,,,good lugk and God bless fwen...........
