Thursday, August 6, 2009

Speak in English and Filipino with Kindness

The world now is a global village. English is the language of that village. It has become the global language not merely in every land but in cyberspace. Just check out the internet. In this world everybody is learning English. The race is on to learn to English. We Filipinos can not be left behind. Everybody knows that our English proficiency gives us the competitive edge globally. And as for tagalog it will always be our mother tongue together with the other 87 major dialects we have in the Philippines. Surely, we Filipinos can learn two or more language with pride and confidence.
In connection to this campaign, our school ISNHS has this campaign with the theme"Speak to me in English or Filipino with kindness". For me it only means one thing. Being proficient or good in speaking these languages is not something to bragged but something to be proud of. We don't need to be vaunt to others who don't speak English or Filipino well. But instead help them to learn these languages to be more competitive. It would be a great honor for us to be competent in speaking both languages and it is really something to be proud of.
To all Filipinos out there we don't only need to learn to speak Filipino but English as well. There should be balance between the two. But don't forget that in everything we do, everything we say humility and respect must always be in our heart.


  1. what can i say to your essay about english or filipino.

    there's sense in it.
    just keep the good work of yours.
    expand and explain more about the topic.
    -------------nothing more------------

  2. -hi foe!!! your post is very nice and has a sense of humor. keep up d' good work!

  3. hehe thnx sa pagcomment kahit mejo nakaka insult ok lang hehe joke lang. .
