Monday, August 10, 2009

My reflections on what happened in the past 2 months.

It's a start of another chapter in my life. My senior life has just got started and now I believe I have travelled one fourth of the whole journey as a senior. Yes our first quarter is nearing it's end. I can't believe I have learned so many things at a short period of time.
It's 3:10 I'm late for our class. As I arrived in the computer room,it felt so different. I only realized now that everything has changed. The layout of the room, the computers and the teacher. Our new teacher has a different way of teaching than our teachers from the past. She's more on the hands on than the talking and I like it. My favorite lesson was the history of the internet. Can you believe it? I myself can't believe too because I never liked history that much. But there's something with the history of the internet that made me so interested. May be how the US got so jealous with the USSR's Sputnik that they made their own ARPA. Well it's not only through lectures I learn things, I also learn through our "hands on". I was so impressed when I have found out about the "Hole in the wall". Really it was a story to remember.
When your adapting to changes it's normal to have some difficulties or problems. I had problems with our schedule because it was most likely to be disturbed by the different activities of the school just like one time the 1st year political rally I had to miss our class for the said program. Even our teacher sometimes missed our class because of other obligations.
For me to make up with my lessons, I borrow the notes of my classmates and asked what they talked about so I can still keep up.
Now that we're leaving our first quarter I will be as focused as I was before.


  1. Your blogs are really good, I wish you will write more interesting blogs.

  2. olah! your blogs are amazing!keep up the good work!hope you're find! TC!XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

  3. keep up dude!

    san ka na pala nkahantong?

    love you.
